Reminiscing you

Words of Dew
May 11, 2021

To the memory of us, that will always stay in my heart —This is about the second time (or maybe it was the third time?) I fell hard for someone

Photo by Laura Barbato on Unsplash

Oh, how I wish you were here with me.
Hugging me tightly while I lay my head on your tummy.
Then you run your hand on my hair, playing with it sometimes.

Oh, I miss the warmth of your body,
The smell of your vanilla perfume,
The taste of cigarettes while I kiss your lips.

This is to you, who has filled my heart with so much love and joy (and also anger and frustration at some point– But you already know that, right?)



Words of Dew

Write random and sometimes kind of meaningful stuffs. Posts in a messed up chronological order. Hehe